Indigenous Community Planning Toolkit
/If you want to help your community find BIMADIZOWIN, this toolkit is for you. Download the tookit here.
Read MoreIf you want to help your community find BIMADIZOWIN, this toolkit is for you. Download the tookit here.
Read MoreLife’s not all fun and games, and communities aren’t either. But adding some supersized fun and games to your town or public space will certainly give people a lift — and your local economy too. Check out these free designs and instructions for giant versions of lawn games like checkers, kerplunk, twister, scrabble and more.
Read MoreLooking to organize or support community response or mutual aid for COVID-19? The Vermont COVID-19 Community Response & Mutual Aid Toolkit includes best practices, steps, examples, success stories, resources and more. This free resource is geared toward small towns and rural areas that are looking to build collaborative, cross-sector responses.
Read MoreHere’s a big shout out to all the community-organizing, people-engaging, smile-inducing, neighborhood-improving, change-making rock stars out there. You do this work because you love it. We’ve compiled a toolbox of free digital platforms to make this work easier, from scheduling apps to project management and graphic design.
Read MoreCommunities face a host of unpredictable challenges — stronger storms and heavy rains, pandemics and wires, heat waves and droughts. Yet it’s not easy to engage people in planning for them. What if we could make it a game?
Read MoreSmall projects can have big impacts for neighborhoods and communities. Think block parties and celebrations, public art, community gardens, or parklets.
Many of these projects need less than $5,000 (or even $500!), but that funding is critical to helping projects get off the ground. Here is a list of the top places to look for funding that supports small projects with big impact. Plus, we’ve included a special list of specific funding programs for our Vermont communities.
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