What We Do

Placemaking, Planning & Community Mapping

Pop-up events, creative placemaking, engaging workshops, mapping and GIS, and community plans. We help guide your community through critical conversations and decisions, using sound decision-making strategies and creative engagement techniques to make sure everyone has a voice. And we develop fun, surprising, and strategic pop-up and placemaking activities to support quick action, experimentation and community-driven change.

Photo Credit: ms.akr

Creative engagement, social marketing, communications planning and messaging, public outreach and network building. We support great community engagement and strategic communications for organizations, communities and projects. We start by helping you identify your audience, target the right stakeholders, develop creative techniques, and prioritize outreach that meets people where they are.

Facilitation, Strategy, Training & Capacity Building


Event facilitation, strategic planning, program development, training and resource development. We facilitate engaging, impactful processes and events. We help you identify your goals, evaluate options and set priorities, get the right people at the table, and make a plan for moving forward. And we offer dynamic, inspiring talks, workshops, training and coaching packages to build capacity and share doable ideas.